01 - No violations of any criminal law
02 - Not leave state without permission
02.2 - Drug testing
02.4 - Not use or have any controlled substances or drug items
03 - Monthly reporting
03.3 - You must complete mental health, DomViol/Batterer
03.7 - Participate in Electronic Monitoring Program
04 - Notify of change of residence
04.4 - You must be in your approved residence between the hours of_
04.5 - No contact or be 500' away from their residence
04.16 - Must obey Court Orders
04.18 - Behavior
04.22 - Comply with field agent
04.23 - Allow Field Agent into your residence
04.24 - Authorize a search if Field Agent has cause
04.25 - Report any arrest or police contact
08.0 - Serve jail time as described
08.2 - Pay a Crime Victim's Assessment
08.3 - Pay Supervision Fee pursuant to PA 164 of 2019
08.4 - Court Cost
08.5 - Fine
08.16 - Pay DNA Test Fee
08.18 - State Costs